Environmental Impacts

The circular economy aims to reduce the use of the Earth’s limited resources, such as metalsmineralsenergy sources, waterwood resources, nutrient-rich soilclean air and biodiversity. Reducing the use of natural resources cuts the environmental impact of their use. The greatest environmental benefits are achieved when material cycles are replaced by more sustainable and energy-efficient cycles. A circular economy approach offers the potential for a more sustainable and efficient business and society. At its best, the circular economy delivers economicenvironmental and social benefits.  

Environmental Systems and Certificates

Various tools can be used to manage and verify environmental performance, such as environmental management systems or product-specific certificatesIf a company wants to improve its own performance, a range of free tools can be useful for identifying critical issues and generating ideas for improvement. Environmental management systems also support a systematic way of workingand some offer professional help with environmental and sustainability work. It is worth considering audited environmental management systems or certificates if they allow a wider customer base or a better price for the product. 


Kysymyksiä liiketoiminnastasi
  1. Do you collaborate with environmental organizations or other non-profit organizations
  2. Could your company benefit from audited environmental management systems or certifications?
  3. What is the most important certification in your industry?
  4. Do you know how to obtain it?
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised and widely accepted set of standards that addresses environmental issues related to all aspects of a company's operations, products and services. It enables a company to improve its environmental management in a holistic and goal-oriented way and to promote sustainable development. The standard is suitable for organisations of all sizes in a wide range of sectors, both private and public.
The Ecocompass is a management tool for environmental management that is suitable for all sectors and is easier to manage than a standardised environmental management system. It is tailored to the company's needs and supports the organisation of the company's environmental responsibility, risk management, monitoring of legislation and stakeholder communication.
Green Office is an environmental management tool that supports systematic efforts to reduce your carbon footprint and use natural resources wisely. It is based on a company's self-assessment and annual environmental programme. The tool supports the measurement and monitoring of targets.
Eco-labels and product and service certifications. Companies can reduce their own environmental impact by using less materials or energy, but also by making more sustainable choices. When purchasing equipment, it is worth looking at energy labels, while for food and other consumer products, it is worth looking at quality and environmental criteria, as certified by various official eco-labels. In addition to reliable quality and eco-labels, there are many different labels and certificates that indicate things other than the reduced environmental impact of a product.


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