Because the future is circular

Circular economy aims to reduce the production of new products and minimize the demand for both non-renewable and renewable resources. It requires resource and energy-efficient production and utilization, as well as the ability to leverage sustainable energy and logistics solutions.

As a business model, it offers opportunities to generate more value from products or materials produced once. Consequently, it generates less waste that would otherwise be considered a cost. The reuse of materials also reduces material costs as price fluctuations decrease with improved availability of recycled raw materials.

Transitioning to a circular economy


about the drivers of change affecting your business. What challenges do they pose for your business? Also consider what opportunities change offers.


how your business can move towards a circular economy. Look at existing examples. Which business model(s) are suitable for you? Adapt them to your needs.

Find out

what you need to do to modernise your business. Do you need new skills, investments or perhaps new partnerships? What other development needs do you see?


your own personnel, key partners, and other key stakeholders to support the implementation, enabling the driving of systematic change.

Make & Do

the transition to a circular economy and monitor the positive impacts of sustainable changes on your company's resource efficiency, profitability, and corporate brand.

The added value of the circular economy:


  1. How well do you know your own industry?
  2. What does the future of your industry look like?
  3. Do you have networks that you could leverage in the green transition?
  4. Are you familiar with the circular economy trends in your field?
  5. Do you know where to seek help?

New growth through innovations

Innovaation siivittämällä tiellä

Experience the transformative power of the circular economy, where technical and biological cycles converge to revolutionize industries. Embrace a future of lifecycle-sensitive design, product longevity, efficient recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing of both products and raw materials. It’s time to shift from the conventional product-centric approach to a service-oriented mindset across various sectors.

Seizing the opportunities of the circular economy necessitates the establishment of innovative ecosystems. These ecosystems facilitate the creation of new marketplaces and foster deep collaboration among stakeholders. Embracing this shift requires a robust innovation ecosystem driven by real-world needs and challenges, fostering an environment of continuous development and fruitful partnerships.

Developing Circular Economy Expertise

Circular economy is based on collaboration within and between companies, enabling circular solutions. Experience the transformative potential of circular economy through seamless collaboration within and between companies. Embrace the shift towards circular solutions that revolutionize industries and pave the way for a sustainable future. 

Transitioning to a circular economy in diverse sectors necessitates a robust foundation of industry-specific expertise. This expertise empowers you to identify and leverage sector-specific factors and fundamental business principles.

The Challenges in Circular Economy

The transition to a circular economy requires simultaneous changes in the actions of multiple stakeholders. As a result, not all the economic benefits may be immediately realized. In the short term, transforming a company’s operations may appear financially unfavorable, but in the long run, companies will be divided into winners and losers.

The operating environment poses its own challenges, as it may not be ready for new ways of operating and partnerships due to regulations or lacking infrastructure, for example. European Union regulations aim to address the identification and removal of bottlenecks that cut across the value chains and actors involved in circular economy activities.

Circular Economy in the Working Life

An Overview of Circular Economy in the Future Workplace.



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